Online Course

NDNP 810 - DNP Project Identification

Module 1: Mobilize the DNP Project


During this web conferencing session, students will introduce themselves and begin building a collegial relationship. It will be an opportunity to learn about the background of faculty and students. Students will also be introduced to the process of developing a tangible and deliverable DNP project proposal that will be reviewed and evaluated by nursing faculty and peers.

Students will also solicit feedback from faculty and peers on their fishbone diagram in order to identify the root causes of the problem being targeted in the clinical setting through a quality improvement project.


At the conclusion of this module, the learner will be able to:

  • Discuss examples of DNP projects
  • Describe the roles of the Clinical Site Representative, Sponsor and Change Champions
  • Identify the root cause(s) of a practice problem

Required Readings/Videos

  • Ogrinc, G.S., Headrick, L.A., Barton, A.J., Dolansky, M.A., Madigosky, W.S., & Miltner, R.S. (2018). Fundamentals of health care improvement: A guide to improving your patients’ care (3rd Ed.). Oakbrook Terrace, IL: The Joint Commission and Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Chapter 1 and 3.


Read the module. Then complete the assignment for the module.

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