Online Course

Nurs 787 - Theory Teaching and Learning

Module 8: Professional Development

Professional Development

Professional development is defined in the Nursing Professional Development Scope and Standards as the continuous, active participation in activities that assist in developing and maintaining competence, enhance professional practice, and support achievement of professional goals (ANA/ANPD, 2016, pg. 65).

Professional development activities apply to nurses in all specialties, not only nurse educators! Many avenues exist for nurses to pursue professional development. As stated in the definition, professional development is a lifelong pursuit, and there are many venues for nurses to engage in professional development activities.

Especially relevant for nurse educators is the need to stay informed and current not only on the topics and subjects they teach, but also on the regulatory and environmental issues that surround them, the evidence that supports them, and the best practices in teaching to help deliver them.

As learners, resources, expectations, and technologies change, educators need to be ready. Planning and goal setting are key components of growth and development.

This recent article describes many sources of continuing education and professional development activities and resources. (Bindon, S. L., (2017), Professional development strategies to enhance nurses’ knowledge and maintain safe practice. AORN Journal, 106(2), 99-110.

Module Components - Overview | Assignments
Topics - Professional Development

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