Online Course

NELC 420 - Environmental Health I

Module 2: Exposure Assessment and Control

Environmental Exposure Assessments

Community Assessment

Download and complete EH Community Assessment Tool for your community. 
Utilize the EPA’s MyEnvironment tool to query and explore a location based cross-section of EH information (e.g. air quality, health conditions).

Home Assessment

Use the Home Environmental Health and Safety Assessment form to assess your home or that of a friend or family member

ome Environmental Health and Safety


Workplace Assessment (hospital/health care setting)

Use the Hospital Environmental Health Assessment Tool to assess sources of exposure in the hospital as well areas of sustainability (e.g. transportation).



 School and Child Care Exposure Assessments

View EPA’s Tools for Schools and their indoor air quality improvement program action kit for various checklists to use around schools with a focus on different priority locations.




The Children’s Environmental Health Network’s (CEHN) Eco-Healthy Child Care Program® has a self-assessment checklist of environmental stewardship practices for child care practitioners to use in their facilities. The checklist covers many areas of key environmental hazards, including pesticides, lead, mercury, environmental tobacco smoke, art supplies, among others.


Additional Assessment Resources

Household Products Database:
Pesticide information and Integrated Pest Management -

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