Online Course

NRSG 790 - Methods for Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Module 1: Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice

Barriers and Facilitators of EBP

Changing practice requires an understanding of key stakeholders and the factors that enhance or prevent adoption of change. Advanced practice nurses are required to have insights into these factors as they broker change.

Barriers to EBP Facilitators to EBP
  • Lack of value, knowledge, and skill
  • Lack of EBP mentors
  • Research evidence overload
  • Lack of time to appraise evidence
  • Organizational constraints
  • Practice by tradition not evidence
  • Lack of incentive/consequence
  • Resistance to change
  • Favorable organizational culture
  • Administrative support and resources
  • “User-Friendly” Evidence reports
  • Mentors and EBP Champions
  • Tools to facilitate EBP (databases)
  • Clinical advancement for EBP competency
  • EBP Policies and Procedures

Consider at least one strategy to remove each of the barriers stated above to practice change.

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