Online Course

NRSG 790 - Methods for Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Module 1: Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice

Sources of Evidence

How much evidence do we need, and what type of evidence do we need to change practice? While no formula exists for all situations – the answer lies in clinician judgement, based on the level and qualityof evidence from research, patients and clinicians.

Research – empirical evidence

Patients – preferences, values, priorities

Clinicians – provider judgment and reasoning

Context – the setting of healthcare delivery

Consider this practice problem/change

High level and quality research demonstrate that hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves wound healing outcomes for diabetic patients with foot ulcers.

  • Patients desire and value wound healing and avoiding amputation, although the cost of and travel to a hyperbaric center is prohibitive.
  • Clinicians embrace the role of this therapy to heal wounds and retain limbs to enable performance of ADLs and promote quality of life.
  • Health care facilities seek to provide full service care for diabetics and prevent disease and disability. The expertise, equipment, and resources needed to provide this level of service is a major consideration.

Would you recommend and plan a practice change? Why or why not?

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