Online Course

Nurs 791 - Instructional Strategies and Assessment

Module 5: Collaborative Teaching Strategies


A workshop is a brief, intensive, educational program for a limited number of people that focuses on knowledge and skills in a particular area. Workshops can be hosted individually or presented as a portion of a large conference.

Within a workshop setting, participants are able to learn and practice the knowledge and skills the workshop addresses. Several instructional strategies are used within the workshop setting to engage the learners within the cognitive and psychomotor domains. Some of these may include discussion, demonstration, hands-on training, and problem solving exercises within a specialized field or subject.

A workshops goals and objectives are created with the learners’ needs at the forefront. From the goals and objectives developed for the workshop, the content is developed and organized into concentrated chunks of information to be executed in a limited timeframe.


Within the workshop setting, the learner is involved more directly with the instructor acting as a facilitator or coach. This set-up enables the learners to explore at their own pace, using their knowledge, critical thinking skills, and necessary equipment to solve problems or enhance their knowledge on a specific topic.

Click on the links below to view examples of workshop descriptions, goals, length of time, itineraries, and teaching strategies:

Information on Workshops Addressing Various Educational Topics from the University of Hawaii

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