Online Course

NURS 787 - Theoretical Foundations of Teaching and Learning

Module 1: Introduction to Teaching and Learning

Definitions of Teaching and Learning

How is Teaching Defined

One definition of teaching is to provide the learner with the training, the knowledge and the skills that are required by a student to practice her/his profession.
Teaching is synonymous with instruction and pedagogy. Teaching is the profession of a teacher; as in "he prepared for teaching while still in college".

Additionally, The Merriam-Webster Dictionary provides several definitions of the verb “teach.” To teach is “to cause to know something, to guide the studies of, to impart the knowledge of, and to instruct by precept, example, or experience.”

Teaching, education, and training are often used synonymously when they actually have different meanings. Teaching is the imparting of information so the learner acquires new knowledge and skills. Education can be defined as the activities of teaching; activities that impart knowledge or skill. Training can be defined as instruction that emphasizes job-specific, traditionally skills-based instruction.

Three sets of characteristics of good teaching are described here.

  1. The Seven Principles for Good Teaching
    1. Encourage contact between students and faculty.
    2. Develop reciprocity and cooperation among students.
    3. Encourage active learning.
    4. Give prompt feedback.
    5. Emphasize time on task.
    6. Communicate high expectations.
    7. Respect diverse talents and ways of learning.
    (Based on Chickering and Gamson, 1987 American Association for Higher Education)

To summarize, good teaching is enhanced when there is interaction between students and faculty and cooperation among students in a learning environment that employs active learning strategies and respect for diverse talents. Good teaching is evident with timely feedback, time spent on task, and high expectations.

  1. Good teaching has been described as including:
    • scholarship
    • integrity
    • completeness
    • communication

Inquisitiveness and seeking evidence are examples of scholarship while integrity is honesty in role modeling to learners. A sense of balance of character and self-confidence is completeness and communication includes listening and empathy.

  1. The top ten requirements for good teaching, from Faculty Focus/Higher Ed Teaching and Learning, Magna Publications© are:
    • passion
    • scholarship
    • communication
    • flexibility
    • style
    • humor
    • caring and nurturing
    • strong and visionary leadership
    • mentoring
    • having fun

Passion is 'caring for your craft' and it is meaningful and relevant to learning. Scholarship is having the skills about the subject. Communication is listening, questioning, and caring. Flexibility is allowing for deviations. Good teaching can be entertaining and humorous. Good teaching is caring and nurturing while supporting strong leadership. Teaching is mentoring others and most of all, teaching is fun.

The three sets of characteristics to good teaching provide a variety of views about what is teaching and especially what is good teaching. Think about these characteristics and how they apply to your practice of teaching. Think about the characteristics of good teaching that you think are most intrinsic and valuable.

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