Online Course

Nurs460 – Health Informatics for Registered Nurses

Module 7: Electronic Health Record Standards and Interoperability

EHR Interoperability

Learning Activity
Read about A Shared Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap version 1.0 at

View brief video on The Path to Interoperability from the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) at:


  • Integration: Process by which different information systems are able to exchange data in a fashion that is seamless to the end user (Hebda & Czar, 2013). Refers to different systems/applications from the same vendor that share the same coding structure. For example: A Laboratory system purchased from Meditech would easily integrate with an Order Entry/Results Management System also purchased from Meditech because similar standards and coding language were used in the programming.
  • Interface: Computer program that tells two different systems how to exchange data utilizing an interface engine (Hebda & Czar, 2013). Typically this is needed when software applications from different vendors are used such as a Cerner Laboratory System would require an interface with an Epic Order Entry/Results Management System because different standards and coding are used by different vendor. Also since providers don’t have direct access to the system used by the Laboratory department and interface is needed so they can review results within signing on to multiple systems.
  • Interface engine: Software application that maps data based on a set of standards from different computer systems to access and exchange information. If the interface engine “goes down” then data from the various ancillary systems will not be available to view although the user may still have access to their primary system.
  • Interoperability: “…refers to the architecture or standards that make it possible for diverse EHR systems to work compatibly in a true information network” ( For a National Interoperable Health Network this would require integration and interfaces with numerous systems across diverse facilities.

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