Online Course
NRSG 780 - Health Promotion and Population Health
Module 1: Overview of Population/Public Health
Healthy People Reports
Since the first Healthy People report in 1979, the Surgeon General has issued Objectives for the Nation every 10 years. These reports identify our health promotion and disease prevention priorities and outline objectives in focus areas that are to be achieved within the decade. The objectives serve as a critical component of the health policy agenda for the U.S.
Reassessment of the scientific evidence for each of the Health People reports is a critical component of the process. In 2011, one outcome of the scientific review lead to a revision of the weights of the four key determinants of health-- environment, lifestyle, human biology and health care system-- that contribute to premature mortality, placing an even greater emphasis on lifestyle (an increase from 50 to 70%).
Click here to watch the launch video (3:28) for Healthy People 2020, “Preparing for the Next Decade: A 2020 Vision for Healthy People.” Please watch for a clip from the work at the University of Maryland School of Nursing!
With “Healthy People” as a foundation, the course will focus on understanding the scientific basis and developing strategies for increasing longevity and quality of life, decreasing disparities and creating health-promoting environments.
Healthy People 2030 was released August 18, 2020.Go to Healthy People 2030 and find the five overarching goals for the next decade. Practice explaining them to a peer or colleague:
- Attain _______________________________________________.
- Eliminate _______________________________________________.
- Create _______________________________________________.
- Promote _______________________________________________.
- Engage _______________________________________________.
Review the Healthy People 2030 Topic Areas. Begin thinking of a topic area that you will concentrate on for the course paper.
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