Online Course

NDNP 804 - Theory for Evidence-Based Practice

Module 8: Theory, Model or Framework Identification


Meet with your small group and reflect on the following questions for each of your clinical problems of interest:

  1. What is the difference between theories used to describe or explain a problem versus models and frameworks used to guide the implementation of a solution?
  2. What middle range theory is best suited for your concepts? Which two Middle Range Theories will you compare and evaluate.
  3. What quality improvement model or framework could you see yourself using in the future to implement an evidence based quality improvement change ( DNP students)

Select a member of your group to post a response for the entire group. Your answer to the first question, above, should summarize your discussion for the group. You can cut and paste short individual responses for each group member to answer questions 2. and 3. above. Label your response with your Group number and respond in ONE post for each group in this discussion forum. You may want to answer questions 2 & 3 individually first and then meet to discuss question 1, or you may want to meet first, after completing the readings. This is up to each group to determine.
Note:  Middle range theories from nursing or other disciplines (e.g., public health, psychology, social work, biology) are essentially theories used to describe or explain a problem, whereas quality improvement models or frameworks (e.g., evidence based practice models, like the Iowa Model, ACE Star model, Knowledge to Action, or organizational change models, like Kotters 8 Step Change Model, Roger's Diffusion of Innovation Theory) are models and frameworks used to guide the implementation of a solution. In answering question #1, above, reflect on how these are alike and how they differ.
Limit your posting to 500-1000 words.

Module Components - Overview | Assignment
Topics - Quality Improvement Models

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