Online Course

NRSG 696 - Leadership Analysis Cinematic

Module 1: Leadership and World War II

A Different Approach to Leadership

There are a plethora of leadership theories out there, but does having the ability to describe a transformational leader versus a transactional leader make you a leader? Just what is the RECIPE for great leadership? Let’s take a look at some surprising, unconventional approaches to be a leader…

Simon Sinek explores how leaders can inspire cooperation, trust and change. He's the author of the classic "Start With Why"; his latest book is "Leaders Eat Last."

The world is full of leadership programs, but the best way to learn how to lead might be right under your nose. In this clear, candid talk, Roselinde Torres describes 25 years observing truly great leaders at work, and shares the three simple but crucial questions would-be company chiefs need to ask to thrive in the future.

We have all changed someone’s life — usually without even realizing it. In this funny talk, Drew Dudley calls on all of us to celebrate leadership as the everyday act of improving each other’s lives.

With help from some surprising footage, Derek Sivers explains how movements really get started. (Hint: it takes two.)

David Logan talks about the five kinds of tribes that humans naturally form — in schools, workplaces, even the driver's license bureau. By understanding our shared tribd tribal tendencies, we can help lead each other to become better individuals.


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