Online Course
Nurs 791 - Instructional Strategies and Assessment
Module 6: Learner Moderated Strategies
“Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him”
This module focuses on learner-moderated strategies in which learners take on an increasingly active role in their learning experience. As the learner becomes more actively involved in the strategies, actually experiencing the sight, sound, touch, feel, and adrenalin, there is a shift in the role of the teacher. The teacher carefully creates, plans, and implements these learning experiences carefully tailoring it to specific objectives and content but may not always be physically present for the actual experience.
This is the sixth module in a series focusing on instructional strategies. You will learn about learner-moderated strategies that can be viewed on a continuum beginning in the classroom, moving through the laboratory using various types of artificial models and manikins, progressing to work with physiologically competent patient simulators, to work with standardized patients. Then you will focus on strategies that combine virtual and classroom learning experiences in hybrid learning, and finally, explore in greater detail the strategies used in an on-line learning environment.
At the conclusion of this module, the learner will:
- describe various types of learner-moderated teaching strategies;
- incorporate knowledge of learning style, developmental stages, and learning theories when choosing a learner-moderated teaching strategy;
- construct learning objectives that would be appropriate for learner-moderated teaching strategies;
- distinguish between effective and ineffective uses of these teaching strategies, and
- relate different types of learner-moderated teaching strategies to the teaching-learning process.
Required Readings
In Bradshaw and Hultquist Text:
- Bailey, C. (2017) Human Patient Simulation, Chapter 17, pp. 245-267.
- Leighton, Kim, (2017) Innovations in Facilitating Learning Using Patient Simulation, Chapter 18, pp. 269-295.
- In Bradshaw, M.J. and Lowenstein, A.J. (Eds.) (2014) Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and related health professions, Sixth Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Chapter 14, 16,17
Read the module and suggested readings within the module. Then complete the assignment for the module.
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