Online Course
NRSG 790 - Methods for Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Module 6: Problem Generation
National Initiatives and Major Health Problems
National healthcare agendas identify areas of health concerns with implications for the common good. A review of these national priorities can inform an important EBP question, since healthcare providers, professional organizations, and policymakers are interested in the answer to priority questions. These priorities help to determine the current deficiencies in knowledge needed to guide practice for all populations: children, women, men, older people and ethnic and racial minorities. The following organizations are helpful in identifying national priorities.A review of these websites will aid in the identification of problems of importance for research and evidence translation
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Review the national health topics of priority identified by AHRQ. Interested in a specific population such as children? Navigate to that area of the site to learn more about specific initiatives to improve the health of children
- National Institute of Nursing Research
- Review the national health topics of priority identified by AHRQ. Interested in a specific population such as children? Navigate to that area of the site to learn more about specific initiatives to improve the health of children
- National Quality Forum
- The National Quality Forum is dedicated to making the health-care environment safer, care more affordable, and achieve healthier outcomes. Review the priorities of the National Quality Forum to achieve this mission.
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